About us

Our mission

United First Responders (UFR) is currently in its infancy as we gain funding to take the necessary legal steps to establish ourselves in the state of New Jersey. Once this is completed, we will be actively looking to assist all First Responders in and out of New Jersey who currently find themselves unrepresented, or underrepresented, by other Unions.
The goal of United First Responders is to create one of the first Unions for First Responders, funded by First Responders, and with leadership from among the First Responder community.  This is to ensure that all members of the Union are represented by people who understand their struggles, and that the dues our members pay will be going to fight battles at the municipal, county, state, and federal level that directly relate to our careers, and not some other Union's causes. 
United First Responders will be organized with a bottom-up democratic model that emphasizes full transparency, majority participation, and training for all members. The goal is to educate and empower our members to take charge of their own negotiation process so every contract not only gives members the pay they deserve, but also the power to take back their dignity, self-determination, and pride.  
It is the primary duty of all leadership of United First Responders to serve the members of this Union.  All decisions made by the leadership of this Union shall take into consideration the ability of those decisions to further the goals and aspirations of this Union and all its members.  The members of UFR do not work for the leadership; the leadership works for the members! 
If you would like to be a part of the future of United First Responders - click to "Join The Movement" below, make sure to take our survey, and of course- all donations are welcome.  
We will keep you up-to-date on all our future progress, and reach out when UFR is coming to your community next!
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Your opinion matters!

Please take our survey so we have the data to drive the change we're all fighting for!